Configured Git with Jenkins and scheduled jobs using the POLL SCM option
Installed and configured GIT and communicated with the repositories in GitHUB. Collaborate with different teams to deploy application code into Dev, QA, and Staging.
Installing and updating the Jenkins plugins to achieve CI/CD.
Responsible for installing Jenkins master and slave nodes.
Created Jenkins CICD pipelines for continuous build & deployment and integrated Junit and SonarQube plugins in Jenkins for automated testing and code quality check.
Integrated SonarQube with Jenkins for continuous inspection of code quality and analysis with SonarQube scanner for Maven.
Managed Sonatype Nexus repositories to download the artifacts (jar, war & ear) during the build.
Wrote playbook manifests for deploying, configuring, and managing components.
Managing the working environments through configuration management tools ansible.
Working with developers and Testers to test the source code and applications through Jenkins plugins.
Installation of apache, tomcat, and troubleshooting web server issues.
Administration and maintenance of servers using Red Hat Linux/CentOS-7,8.
Installing and configuration of ansible server. * Implemented AWS solutions using EC2, S3, EBS, ELB, Route53, Auto scaling groups.
Built servers using AWS, importing volumes, launching EC2, creating Security groups, Auto-scaling, Load balancers (ELBs) using Cloud formation templates & AMIs using Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS Including EC2 and S3), focusing on high availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling.
Configured ELB with different launch configurations using AMI and EC2 Autoscaling groups.
Creating S3 buckets and S3 life cycle policies and bucket policies (Read/Write).
Creating EBS Volumes and snapshots and attaching them to the EC2 instances.
Involved in CI/CD process and integrated GIT, Nexus, SonarQube, and Maven artifacts build with and and and and Jenkins and creating Docker image and using the Docker image to deploy over Kubernetes.
Building and deploying various microservices in EKS.
Creating and maintaining namespaces, config maps, secrets, service, ingress, RBAC in Kubernetes.
Implemented and maintained the Branching and build/ release strategies utilizing GIT.
Experience with container-based deployments using Docker, working with Docker Images,
Docker Hub and Docker-registries and Kubernetes.
Implemented docker-maven-plugin in maven pom to build docker images for all microservices and later used Docker file to build the docker images from the java jar files.
Utilized Kubernetes for the runtime environment of the CI/CD system to build, and test deploy.
Experience in working on AWS and its services like AWS IAM, VPC, EC2, EKS, EBS, S3, ELB, Auto Scaling, Route 53, Cloud Front, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, and SNS.
Experienced in Cloud automation using AWS Cloud Formation templates to create customized VPC, subnets, NAT, EC2 instances, ELB, and Security groups.
Experienced in creating complex IAM policies, Roles, and user management for delegated acceaccess withAWS.
Identify, troubleshoot and resolve issues related to the build and deploy process.
Deploying Docker images in Kubernetes cluster using Yaml files and exposing the application to the internet using service object.
Worked with team to Develop Application Requirements.
Created a Workflow & Branching Strategy with the Requirements.
Setup/managed Azure Repos and Branching Strategy.
Established a Build/Release pipeline with automated build and Continuous-Integration.
Automated the provisioning of Powerapps Environments (Dev, Staging, Pre-Prod, Prod) using Azure DevOps Tasks and Azure resources (App Registration, Blob, Back-up
Center, Cosmos DB, Key Vault, Azure VMs) using PowerShell and Templates.
Validated Azure Resources during provisioning & pre-configuration by writing a
PowerShell Script.
Monitored Automated build & Continuous-Integration process to drive Build/Release
Failure Resolution.
Automated and Implemented system backup and recovery procedures.
Worked with Software Development and Testing-Team members to design and develop
robust solutions to meet client requirements for functionality, scalability, and
Documented project design for reference and future use cases
Involved in CI/CD process and integrated SonarQube with Azure DevOps for QualityAnalysis.
Have hands-on experience in writing PowerShell when needed to automate jobs and
tasks in the pipeline.
Experience deploying infrastructure resources utilizing ARM templates.
Maintained Source code Repositories
Implemented high availability with Azure classic and Azure Resource Manager (ARM)
deployment models.
Experience delivering applications in Azure.
Ability to Document deployment processes and transfer knowledge to other operational
team members.
Ensure all cloud deployments follow established workflows.
Supports Development and production systems and deployments.